Saturday, December 5, 2009

B.Tech a great deal...........

In the last 31/2 year i learned so much of things, obviously get attached with many friends.But the thing is that if u r to succeed u r to do ur own.nothing is like ready many stories made and many end.most important is what u get .when i was in 1st year i didn't know anything later i learned how to tackle with others.In 2nd & 3rd year i used to live in Alpha 2 sec.these two years was my most fascinating years .i did full masti.Many great things happened with me.A year before when i lived there and i remember that if we had to make Tee,then what we do is that we take some sugar from a friend nearby and for Tee leaf we take from a friend right behind our room.and made a palatable tee.u know that day was really amazing.we did so many pangas there.but jo bhi tha accha i hv come to noida with one roommate i.e himanshu.a lovely saand....hahahhah iski bhi ajab kahani hai.he is pandit by cast so i can't cook non-veg item.I go out to hv these kind of yummy yummy the time has come to think about the future.sayad sona likha hai..
so i m gonna sleep......
tc bye.

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